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Lesson 13 It's only me 是我,别害怕

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
What did the man expect to find under the stairs?



After her husband had gone to work, Mrs. Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom. She was too excited to do any housework that morning, for in the evening she would be going to a fancy-dress party with her husband. She intended to dress up as a ghost and as she had made her costume the night before, she was impatient to try it on. Thouyh the costume consisted only of a sheet, it was very effective. After putting it on, Mrs Richards went downstairs. She wanted to find out whether it would be comfortable to wear.

Just as Mrs. Richards was entering the dining room, there was a knock on the front door. She knew that it must be the baker. She had told him to come straight in if ever she failed to open the door and to leave the bread on the kitchen table. Not wanting to frighten the poor man, Mrs Richards quickly hid in the small storeroom under the stairs. She heard the front door open and heavy footsteps in the hall. Suddenly the door of the storeroom was opened and a man entered, Mrs Richards realized that it must be the man from the Electricity Board who had come to read the metre. She tried to explain the situation, saying‘It's only me’, but it was too late. The man let out a cry and jumped back several paces. When Mrs. Richards walked towards him, he fled, slamming the door behind him.

New words and expressions 生词和短语

costume(1.5)/'kɔstjum/n. 化装服
storeroom(1.13)/'stɔ:rum/n. 储藏室
consist(1.6)/kən'sist/v. 由……组成
electricity(1.14)/i'lek'tristi/n. 电
sheet(1.7)/ʃi:t/n. 被单
metre(1.14)/'mi:tə/n. 电表
effective(1.7)/i'fektiv/adj. 有明显效果的,有作用的
pace(1.15)/peis/n. 一步
flee(1.16)/fli:/(fled/fled/, fled)v. 逃走
comfortable(1.8)/'kʌmftəblə/adj. 舒适的
slam(1.16)/slæm/v. 砰地关上

Notes on the text 课文注释

1 would be going, 是过去将来进行时,用来表示过去预计将要发生的动作。
2 fancy-dress party化装舞会。
3 dress up as, 化装成……。
4 try it on, it指costume, try on是“试穿”、“试戴”。
5 just as…, 正当……的时候。
6 She had told him to come straight in if ever she failed to open the door and to leave the bread on the kitchen table. 她曾告诉过他,如果她没去开门,他可直接进来,把面包放在厨房的桌子上。if ever在条件句中表示强调,可译作“任何时候”。to come straight in指“直接进来”。
7 Not wanting to frighten the poor man, 不想去吓唬这个可怜的人。这是现在分词短语的否定形式,作目的状语。




Notes on the text课文注释

1  would be going, 是过去将来进行时,用来表示过去预计将要发生的动作。
2  fancy-dress party化装舞会。
3  dress up as, 化装成……。
4  try it on, it指costume, try on是“试穿”、“试戴”。
5  just as…, 正当……的时候。
6  She had told him to come straight in if ever she failed to open the door and to leave the bread on the kitchen table. 她曾告诉过他,如果她没去开门,他可直接进来,把面包放在厨房的桌子上。if ever在条件句中表示强调,可译作“任何时候”。to come straight in指“直接进来”。
7  Not wanting to frighten the poor man, 不想去吓唬这个可怜的人。这是现在分词短语的否定形式,作目的状语。

  Multiple choice questions多项选择题
Choose the correct answers to the following questions.
Comprehension 理解
1  Mrs. Richards went upstairs because ______ .
a.she did not need to do any housework
b.she still had to finish the costume she was going to wear
c.she wanted to change her clothes before doing the housework
d.she wanted to change into her fancy-dress costume
2  Mrs. Richards did not go to the door because ______ .
a.she was upstairs changing her clothes
b.she did not want to make a bad impression on the baker
c.she thought the baker might be taken in by her disguise3
d.the baker had already left the bread on the kitchen table
3  By saying‘It's only me’, Mrs. Richards hoped ______ .
a.the man would realize she was alone
b.to persuade the man he was seeing a ghost
c.the man would recognize her
d.the man would not close the door of the storeroom
4  After her husband had gone to work and the children ______ to school, she went upstairs…(11.1-2)
a.had sent
b.were sent
c.had been sent
d.were sending
5  She wanted to find out how ______ to wear. (1.8)
a.comfortable it was
b.comfortable it would be
c.it was comfortable
d.it would be comfortable
6  ______ to frighten the poor man, Mrs. Richards quickly hid under the stairs. (11.11-12)
a.Not anxious about
b.Anxious not
c.Being not anxious
d.Not being anxious for
7  Trying to explain the situation, she ______ ‘It's only me’. (1.14)
a.was saying
c.had said
d.has been saying
8  On seeing Mrs. Richards ______ towards him, he fled. (11.15-16)
a.to walk
b.having walked
9  ______ Mrs. Richards was entering the dining room…(1.9)
a.At the very moment
b.So long as
c.Only when
d.During the time
10  ----if she ever ______ the door and to leave the bread…(11.10-11)
a.missed opening
b.forgot to open
c.did not succeed in opening
d.happened not to open
11  It was the man from the Electricity Board who had come to take a metre- ______ . (11.13-14)
12  The man ______ a cry. (1.15)

  【New words and expressions】 生词和短语
n.   化装服
costume ball: 化妆舞会
costume party:
fancy(dress) party
suit: 西装,西服
dress: 裙子
v.   由……组成
consist of...(表示被动概念)
== be made up of
== comprise……整体由部分所构成
be composed of  ---强调有什么成分所组成
Water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen
constitute ---- 由部分构成整体
G.B and Northern Ireland constitute The United Kingdom.
The committee consists of 10 members.
= Ten members constitute the committee.
Our class consists of 100 students.
== Our class is made up of more than 100 students.
The United Kingdom consists of G.B and Northern Ireland.
== The United Kingdom comprises G.B and Northern Ireland.
The house consists of six rooms.
n.   被单
adj. 有明显效果的,有作用的
The costume is quite effective.
His words was effective.
influential: 有潜移默化影响力的
What our parents do is influential to children.
efficacious: (医药)有效的,灵验的
The drug is efficaious
fruitful: 有成效的
Their experiment is fruitful.
adj. 舒适的
comfort:(n)舒适 (a.)安慰
In spite of discomforts he is determined to stay here.
n.   储藏室
n.   电
n.   电表
n.   一步
★flee (fled, fled)
v.   逃走
escape: 逃出监狱,逃出牢笼
The people fled in panic when the bull got loose.
He was able to escape from the house.
I am sorry your name escaped me.
They tried to escape death.
v.   砰地关上
slam the door

  too ... to:太...而不能
not/never too ... to: 并不太...所以能够
One is never too old to learn 活到老,学到老。
The question is not too difficult for me to answer.
They are all too satisfied to work with you.
I am only too glad to have someone to speak to.
He was but too eager to get home.
fancy-dress paty = costume party
intended to = mean to:有什么打算,意图
dress up as: 化妆成为
the night before: 前一个晚上(以过去的某一个时间为基准点)
last night: 昨天晚上(以现在为基准点)
The night before she got everything ready.
she was impatient(eager,anxious) to try it on.
be impatient to do sth: 急于要做某事,迫不及待
=eager,anxious,hungry,thirsty,desperate,can't wait(口语)
try on :试穿
After putting it on: 穿上以后
动词不定式to wear,用来修饰说明comfortable,作它的状语
The book is difficult to read.
The dress is easy to wash.
Your handwriting is easy to recognize.
It would be comfortable(for her)to wear
It is easy for me to read
The music is sweet to hear.
The machine needs repairing.
The dictionary is worth buying.
The book is worth reading.
The house is under construction
The puma is under control
The problem is under discussion
The thief is under arrest.
The airport came into use again.
came into use: 不及物动词短语
Our time has already gone to use.(浪费掉,付诸东流)
She is respectable person.(被尊敬的人)
-able 形容词后缀,跟在动词后表达"能够被...的"
This is a returnable bottle.
"由...所组成": consist of,comprise本身表达被动概念,结构形式为主动
there was a knock on the front door: 有人敲门
come in :进来
straight: 直接地,径直地
if even --- ever 用于条件句,表示任何时候,任何场合
=when ever
If ever you see George give him my best regards.
When ever he is in trouble I'll be on the spot.
Not wanting ……分词的否定结构形式,做原因状语
Not wanting to make her nervous,the doctor didn't fully explain the seriousness of condition.
= The doctor,not wanting to make her nervous,didn't fully explain the seriousness of her condition.
read the metre; 查电表
let out a cry: 大叫了一声
=utter/give a cry
jump back several paces 后退了好几步

Special difficulties】
He was delighted to learn that...
I was glad to hear that...
He was anxious to leave...
He was frightened when he saw the snake
He was frightened to see the snake.
I was sor  ry when I learnt that...
I was sorry to learn that...
The car is hard to park
Some questions are awkward to answer.
learn;find;see;hear;be told
He lived to see his inventions come to success.
He woke up to find everyone gone.
He went to his house only to find him out.
He hurried to the post office only to find it was shut(closed)

  【Multiple choice questions】
She wanted to know whether that costume was comfortable to wear.
take sb.in 使某人信以为真,让某人上当
At that moment,she was dressed up as a ghost.She didn't want to frighten the poor man,She hid as quickly as possible in the small storeroom under the stairs.
Key structure
At that moment,she hadn't put on the costume.
...not wanting to frighten the poor man.
see sb.do sth看见某人做某事
at the very moment 就在此刻
as long as/so long as 用来引导条件句,表示只要
You can go out as long as you pormise to be back before 11 o'clock
only when 引导时间状语从句
I don't want to miss seeing that film on television tongight
forgot to do sth表示忘记去做某事
Yesterday ,I forgot to lock the door.
succeed in doing sth.表示成功做了某事
if..happen to...表示某事偶然发生
If you happen to pass the baker's,pick me up a brown loaf,would you?
If you happen to finish the work early give me a ring.
reading 表示仪表或者仪器上的指数、读数
What are the temperature readings for the week?
take a metre-reading 读电表上的数字
measurement 测量尺寸、大小调节稳定
What's your waist measurement?
regulation 调节;regulation of body heat体温调节
let out 发出;give
shout 高呼,高喊;有目的的
shout to sb 对某人高声喊
shout at sb.对某人大喊大叫
Don't shout at the elders.



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