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Lesson 38 The first calendar 最早的日历

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
What is the importance of the dots, lines, and symbolsengraved on stone, bones and ivory?



Future historians will be in a unique position when they come torecord the history of our own times. They will hardly know whichfacts to select from the great mass of evidence that steadilyaccumulates. What is more, they will not have to rely solely on thewritten word. Films, videos, CDs and CD-ROMs are just some ofthe bewildering amount of information they will have. They willbe able, as it were, to see and hear us in action. But the historian attempting to reconstruct the distant past isalways faced with a difficult task. He has to deduce what he can from the few scanty clues available. Even seemingly insignificant remains can shed interesting light on the history of early man.

Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture, for then man was faced with a real need to understand something about the seasons. Recent scientific evidence seems to indicate that this assumption is incorrect.

Historians have long been puzzled by dots, lines and symbols which have been engraved on walls, bones, and the ivory tusks of mammoths. The nomads who made these markings lived by hunting andfishing during the last Ice Age which began about 35, 000 B. C. and ended about 10, 000 B. C. By correlating markings made in various parts of the world, historians have been able to read this difficult code. They have found that it is connected with the passage of days and the phases of the moon. It is, in fact, a primitive typeof calendar. It has long been known that the hunting scenes depicted on walls were not simply a form of artistic expression. They had a definite meaning, for they were as near as early man could get to writing. It is possible that there is a definite relation between these paintings and the markings that sometimes accompany them. It seems that man was making a real effort to understand the seasons 20, 000 years earlier than has been supposed.

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语

calendar (title) /'kælində/ n. 历法,日历
historian (1. 1) /hi'stɔ:riən/ n. 历史学家
unique (1. 1) /ju'ni:k/ adj. 无与伦比的
steadily (1. 3) /'stedili/ adv. 不断地
solely (1. 4) /'səuli/ adv. 唯一地
video (1. 5) /'vidiəu/ n. 录像
CD-ROM (1. 5) /'si:-di:-'rɔm/ n. (只读)光盘驱动器
bewilder (1. 6) /bi'wildə/ v. 令人眼花缭乱
deduce (1. 8) /di'dju:s/ v. 推断,推理
scanty (1. 8) /'skænti/ adj. 不足的,贫乏的
clue (1. 8) /klu:/ n. 线索
insignificant (1. 9) /insig'nifikənt/ adj. 不重要的
shed (1. 9 ) /ʃed/ v. 使流出,泻
advent (1. 10). /'ædvent/ n. 出现,到来,来临
agriculture (1. 10) /'ægri'kʌltʃə/ n. 农业
assumption (1. 12) /ə'sʌmpʃən/ n. 假定,设想
dot (1. 13) /dɔt/ n. 小圆点
symbol (1. 13) /'simbəl/ n. 符号
engrave (1. 13) /in'greiv/ v. 雕刻
ivory (1. 14) /'aivəri/ n. 象牙制品
mammoth (1. 14)/ 'mæməθ/n. (古)长毛象
phase (1. 17) /feis/ n. 月相,天相
tusk (1. 14) /tʌsk/n. 獠牙,长牙、象牙
primitive (1. 17) /'primitiv/adj. 原始的
nomad (1. 14) /'nəumæd/n. 游牧民
depict (1. 18) / di'pikt/v. 描画,描绘
correlate (1. 15) /'kɔrileit/v. 使相互联系

Notes on the text 课文注释

1 what is more,作“而且”、“再者”解,是插入语。
2 CD-ROM,是 compact disc read-only memory的缩写。
3 as it were,“可以说”,是插入语。
4 be faced with,作“面临”、“面对”解。
5 shed light on…,使清楚地显出来,解释。
6 come into being,产生,形成。
7 Ice Age,冰川时期。




长期以来,历史学家一直对雕刻在墙壁上、骨头上、古代长毛象的象牙上的点、线和形形色色的符号感到困惑不解。这些痕迹是游牧人留下的,他们生活在从公元前约 35,000年到公元前10,000年的冰川期的末期,以狩猎、捕鱼为生。历史学家通过把世界各地留下的这种痕迹放在一起研究,终于弄懂了这种费解的代码。他们发现代码与昼夜更迭和月亮圆缺有关,事实上是一种最原始的日历。大家早就知道,画在墙上的狩猎图景并不是单纯的艺术表现形式,它们有着一定的含义,因为它们已接近古代人的文字形式。有时,这种图画与墙壁上的刻痕共存,它们之间可能有一定的联系。看来人类早就致力于探索四季变迁了,比人们想像的要早20,000年。

课文详注 Further notes on the text
1.He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country.过去他常幻想退休后到英国,并计划在乡间安顿下来。
(1)dream of 在这里不表示具体的做梦,
Frank used to dream of having a car of his own.
(2)settle down 是个固定短语,
They settled down in Australia in 1988.
After two years of travelling, I want to settle down now.
2.Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold. 但紧接着他就开始抱怨那里的天气了。 因为即使那时仍为夏季,但雨总是下个不停,而且常常冷得厉害。
(1)for 在这里为连词,
为所陈述的事说出原因。它与 because不同,不能用于句首。并且在for后面必须重复主语:
I don't have a car, for I can't afford it.
(2)连词even though引导的是让步状语从句,
Even though we were very tired, we went on with the work.
3.He acted as if be had never lived in England before.他的举动就好像他从未在英国生活过一样。
连词 as if/ though 引导方式状语从句,通常跟在描述行为举止的动词之后,如act, appear, feel, look, smell, sound等后面:
She acted as if she were mad.
It feels as if/ though it's going to rain.
4.In the end, it was more than he could bear. 最后,他再也忍受不住。
more than在这里表示“超过……的范围”:
This piece of news is more than I can believe.
There were more than ten people in the room.

  语法 Grammar in use
When I arrived, Jane had left.
与过去完成时连用的表示时间的词或词组有when, after, as
soon as, (not) until, by that time, (never) before, already, for, since, just等,
另外它还常与连词no sooner…than和 hardly…when连用。(cf.词汇学习)过去完成时不能与副词ago 连用(ago只能与一般过去时连用):
He hadn't finished it by yesterday evening.

  词汇学习 Word study
1.no sooner…than与 hardly…when
这两组连词意义都与 as soon as相近,但都比 as soon as正式。
它们通常都与过去完成时连用。当 no sooner和 hardly位于句
首时,后面的主谓结构都要颠倒顺序,即句子变为 no sooner/hardly+助动词+主语+动词形式的语序:
He had no sooner returned than he bought a house and went to live there.
No sooner had he returned than he bought a house and went to live there.
No sooner had he begun speaking than he was interrupted.
He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country.
Hardly had he had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country.
Hardly had he got into the bus when it began moving.
no sooner…than与 hardly…when 都是固定词组, than与when不可混用。
2.country与 countryside
He had planned to settle down in the country.
He sold the house and left the country.
country 作“乡下”讲时,
We are going to spend the weekend in the country.
Which country do you come from?
I grew up in the countryside.
3.continuously与 continually
这两个副词都与动词 continue(继续,持续)有关。它们的区别在于continuously (不断地,连续地)指动作中间没有间断,而continually (频繁地,反复地)则指动作中间有间断但又持续很久:
It rained continually.
This plane can fly continuously for twenty hours.
Why does he come here continually?
You mustn't watch TV for such a long time continuously.

  练习答案 Key to written exercises
A What happened: returned(1.2); bought( 1.4); went(1.4); began(1.5); rained(1.6); go (1.7); acted(1.8); was…could bear(1.9); sold…left(1.9); ended(1.10)
What had happened: had lived (1.1); had often dreamed (1.2); had planned(1.3); had no sooner returned(1.4); had never lived (1.8); had hardly had(1.9); had had (1.10); had thought (1.10)
A 1 I had no sooner left the house than it began to rain.
2 We had no sooner hung the picture on the wall than it fell down.
B 1 continuously  2 continually  3 country
1 b  2c  3a  4a  5c  6b
7 d  8 d  9 b  10 a  11d  12 d

dream of:想,梦见(梦想)
think of:想(思维的活动)
settle down:定居
no sooner...than:(关联词)一...就...
同义as soon as,the moment,on doing
had no sooner done...than一般过去时,固定用法
he had no sooner arrived than he called me up。
no sooner放在句首就要倒装
no sooner had he arrived than he called me up(倒装)
almost immediately:马上(时间上,用于写作)
even though--从句的连词,"即使"(让步状语从句)
even though i came here,my mind was absent尽管我人来了,但我还是心不在焉
so many years:这么多年
after + ...
after seven years of hard work,he was successful
after ten years of staying in abroad,he decided to return and settle down
got a shock:吓了一跳,吃了一惊
as if+句子:似乎,好像
he acted as if he was poor
even though--even if
as if-- as though
in the end,it was more than he could bear他再也不能忍受
i can't affard it = it was more than i can affard
hardly...when...:还没来得及...就...;用法同no sooner ... than
hardly had sb done
have time to do sth:有时间做某事
i have no time to talk with you。
i have time enough to have coffee
knock out:打晕,击倒
he had hardly opened his eyes when he was knocked out
the dream ended
key structures
no sooner...than...
special difficulties:
a.no sooner...than...
countryside(农村)景色 seaside
in the country:在乡下住
multiple choice
5. not any more 不再
not any longer
not any further
not more = less比...少
not longer不是更长
4. as if = as though
act as if/though习惯用法
as if 是宾语从句
as 后面可以加句子,like 后面加词
even if即使
11. do as id did 按我所做的做
seem as if看起来象什么
act as if
look as if看起来象什么
他表现的很好,he conducted himself well
he behaved as well
in a bad state 状态不太好
though 虽然,even though 即使=even if
worn out 破旧不堪的
not only出现在句首要倒装
the engine was not only worn out but the gearbox was full of sawdust



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