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Lesson 47 Too high a price? 代价太高?

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
What does the writer describe as an ‘amusing old-fashioned source of noise’?



Pollution is the price we pay for an overpopulated, overindustrialized planet. When you come to think about it, there are only four ways you can deal with rubbish: dump it, burn it, turn it into something you can use again, attempt to produce less of it. We keep trying all four methods, but the sheer volume of rubbish we produce worldwide threatens to overwhelm us.

Rubbish, however, is only part of the problem of polluting our planet. The need to produce everincreasing quantities of cheap food leads to a different kind of pollution. Industrialized farming methods produce cheap meat products: beef, pork and chicken. The use of pesticides and fertilizers produces cheap grain and vegetables. The price we pay for cheap food may be already too high: Mad Cow Disease (BSE) in cattle, salmonella in chicken and eggs, and listeria in dairy products. And if you think you'll abandon meat and become a vegetarian, you have the choice of very expensive organically-grown vegetables or a steady diet of pesticides every time you think you're eating fresh salads and vegetables, or just having an innocent glass of water!

However, there is an even more insidious kind of pollution that particularly affects urban areas and invades our daily lives, and that is noise. Burglar alarms going off at any time of the day or night serve only to annoy passers-by and actually assist burglars to burgle. Car alarms constantly scream at us in the street and are a source of profound irritation. A recent survey of the effects of noise revealed (surprisingly? ) that dogs barking incessantly in the night rated the highest form of noise pollution on a scale ranging from 1 to 7. The surveyrevealed a large number of sources of noise that we really dislike. Lawn mowers whining on a summer's day, late-night parties in apartment blocks, noisy neighbours, vehicles of all kinds, especially large container trucks thundering through quiet villages, planes and helicopters flying overhead, large radios carried round in public places and played at maximum volume. New technology has also made its own contribution to noise. A lot of people object to mobile phones, especially when they are used in public places like restaurants or on public transport. Loud conversations on mobile phones invade our thoughts or interrupt the pleasure of meeting friends for a quiet chat. The noise pollution survey revealed a rather surprising and possibly amusing oldfashioned source of noise. It turned out to be snoring! Men were found to be the worst offenders. It was revealed that 20% of men in their mid-thirties snore. This figure rises to a staggering 60% of men in their sixties. Against these figures, it was found that only 5% of women snore regularly, while the rest are constantly woken or kept awake by their trumpeting partners. Whatever the source of noise, one thing is certain: silence, it seems, has become a golden memory.

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语

pollution(1. 1)/pə'lu:ʃən/n.污染
burglar(1. 16)/'bə:glə/n.窃贼
overpopulated(1. 1)/'əuvə'pɔpjuleitid/adj.人口多的
burgle(1. 17)/'bə:gəl/v.入室偷窃
over-industrialized(11. 1-2)/'əuvəin'dʌstriəlaizd/adj.过度工业化的
scream(1. 17)/skri:m/v.尖叫
profound(1. 18)/prə'faund/adj.极度的
sheer(1. 5)/ʃiə/adj.纯粹的,不掺杂的
irritation(1. 18)/'iri'teiʃən/n.烦躁
worldwide(1. 6)/'wə:ld'waid/adv.在全世界
incessantly(1. 19)/in'sesəntli/adv.连续不断地
overwhelm(1. 6)/'əuvə'welm/v.制服,使不知所措
whine(1. 20)/wain/v.发呜呜声
pollute(1. 7)/pə'lu:t/v.污染
helicopter(1. 22)/'helikɔptə/n.直升飞机
pesticide(1. 9)/'pestisaid/n.杀虫剂
maximum(1. 23)/'mæksiməm/adj.最大的
fertilizer(1. 9)/'fə:tilaizə/n.肥料
technology(1. 23)tek'nɔlədʒi/n.技术
salmonella(1. 11)/'sælmə'nelə/n.沙门氏菌
contribution(1. 24)/'kɔntri'bju:ʃən/n.贡献
listeia(1. 11)/li'stiəriə/n.利斯特杆菌
mobile(1. 24)'məubail/adj.可移动的
vegetarian(1. 12)/'vedʒi'teəriən/n.吃素的人
snore(1. 27)/snɔ:/v.打鼾
organically-grown(1. 12)/ɔ:'gænikli-grəun/adj.有机培植的(不施化肥和其他化学品培植)
offender(1. 28)/ə'fenddə/n.冒犯者
staggering(1. 28)/'stægəriŋ/adj.令人惊愕的
insidious(1. 15)/in'sidiəs/adj.暗中为害的
trumpet(1. 30)/'trʌmpit/v.吹号
urban(1. 15)'ə:bən/adj.城市的
partner(1. 30)'pa:tnə/n.伙伴

Notes on the text 课文注释

1 pay for, 付出代价,得到报应。
2 Mad Cow Disease (BSE), 疯牛病。
3 you have the choice of very expensive organically-grown vegetables or a steady diet of pesticides every time you think you're eating fresh salads and vegetables…你可以两者择一:或是选用价格昂贵、有机培植的蔬菜,或是当你认为在享用新鲜色拉和新鲜蔬菜的时候,实际上每次都不断地吃进杀虫剂。
the choice of… or…, 在……和……之间选择。
4 burglar alarm, 防盗警报器;go off, 响起。
5 car alarm, 汽车防盗警报器。
6 large container truck, 运输大型集装箱的卡车。
7 mobile phone, 移动式电话,俗称“大哥大”。
8 against these figures, 与这些数字相比。





课文详注 Further notes on the text
1.A public house which was recently bought by Mr. Ian Thompson is up for sale. 伊恩·汤普森先生最近才买的一个小酒店现在又要卖出去。
(1)在英国英语中,public house指酒馆、酒店,口语中往往缩略为pub:
I had lunch at a village pub.
(2)up for sale表示“供新概念”,up为形容词,含义为“已提出的”、“供……的”。
2.He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. 他告诉我有天夜里他怎么也睡不着,因为他听到酒吧里传来一阵奇怪的响声。
(2)coming为现在分词,它引导的短语修饰noise,为宾语补足语。它也可以变为从句结构:a strange noise that came from the bar。在一些表示感觉的动词如see,hear,feel,watch,notice 等之后,往往用宾语+宾语补足语这个结构,其宾语补足语既可以是不定式(通常不加to),也可以是现在分词,两者在意义上区别不大,现在分词表示动作正在发生,不定式则表示动作发生了:
I heard someone knocking at the door.
I heard you sing this song yesterday.
3.…they were on in the morning.……早晨灯都亮着。
When he arrived home, he found that all the lights were on/ off.
Is the TV on? I thought I had turned it off.
4.He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before. 他还说他发现了5只空的威士忌酒瓶子,这肯定是鬼魂头天晚上喝的。
(2)that引导的为间接引语,因此时间状语要变动。直接引语中的时间状语为 last night,转述时变成了 the night before。其他时间状语的变化有:now→then,two days ago→two days before/ earlier,today→that day,tonight→that night,tomorrow→the next/ following day,last night→the night before等。
5.…they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away.……即使他把小酒店白送人,他们也不要。
(1)连词 even if表示“即使”,它引导的让步状语从句含有很强的假定性:
I won't have dinner with him even if he pays for it.
(2)give away是个固定短语,其含义之一是“赠送”、“免费给予”:
He gave all his books away to the library.

  语法 Grammar in use
在第36~45课的语法中,我们学习了用 going to表示意图、打算或不久即将发生的事;学习了用将来完成时表示到将来某一时刻已经完成的动作;学习了与过去完成时经常连用的连词no sooner…than,hardly… when以及 before;学习了间接疑问句、第2类条件句;学习了表示“必要”、“不必要”的情态助动词must,have(got)to和need;学习了 have+ 名词代替普通动词,can与 be able to的区别和过去完成时中的被动语态。注意以下句子:
Are you going to visit Old Delhi?
I would if I could, but I can't afford it.
Did you speak to the manager?
He didn't come, so I didn't have to speak to him after all.
他没来,所以我终究没有必要和他谈。( have to用于过去时表示必要)
I've called a taxi.
You needn't have done that! I'd already called one.
He had no sooner returned than he bought a house.
他刚一回来便买下了一幢房子。(no sooner…than用于过去完成时)
By the end of next year, they will have finished work on the new stadium.
He asked if/ whether Mr. Gilbert' s operation had been successful.
We had a long walk through one of the markets of Old Delhi.
我们穿过旧德里的一个市场时走了很长一段路。(had a walk = walked)
The plane was then able to rise.
于是飞机可以上升了。(表示成功地完成过去某一动作时只能用 be able to,不用 could)
The wallet had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost.

  词汇学习 Word study
1.suggest vt.
I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink.
His silence suggested that he knew something about the man.
Who suggested that idea to you?
I suggest that we meet at the restaurant.
I suggest meeting at the restaurant.
(1)vt., vi. 摇,摇动,抖动:
Mr. Thompson shook his head.
Why did you shake the tree?
His hands appear to be shaking.
(2)vt. 同……握手:
Dan shook hands with him.
Dan shook him by the hand/shook his hand. (译文同上)

  练习答案 Key to written exercises
C 1 will have finished  2 broke  3 were  4 could
D 1 mustn't  2 needn't
E 1 I asked George what those people were looking at.
2 George answered that he did not know. He thought a new road was being built and that it would be finished soon.
3 I told George that all those people were silly because they were looking into an empty hole.
4 George said that some people enjoy/ enjoyed watching others work.
5 Half an hour passed. George told me to hurry up as we had been there for half an hour. He added that there was nothing to see in an empty hole.
6 I answered that I didn't want to go yet because it was very interesting.
1 d  2 a  3 b  4 a  5 d  6 a
7 a  8 d  9 d  10 c  11 a  12 c

a public house 酒吧
up for sale有待出售
on sale 打折卖
for sale拿出来卖的
up for有待于
this problem is up for discussion这个问题有待于讨论
hear sb doing 听见某人做某事
turn off 关闭
the light is on这个灯是亮的
the night before前一天晚上
last night昨天晚上
the next day 下一天
shake one's head摇头
nod one's head点头
even if即使
give away捐献,免费的送
multiple choice
7、in one's opinion就某人看来,以某人观点,某人认为
have to=have get to
it's too late,i should go home太晚了,我要回家了



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